

Amy Gibbs

Office Manager and COO

 Amy is originally from Wisconsin, where she attended University of Wisconsin Milwaukee. Amy moved to North Carolina 21 years ago, and now lives in Denver with her husband, Dan, of 19 years, and 2 fur babies. She has been a part of the Adjusting the World team for 8 years and has worked in the chiropractic field for a total of 15 years. She has been adjusted since the age of 9. Amy and her family enjoy seeing live, local music. 


Leslie Lagala

Billing Manager

 Leslie is originally from New Jersey and moved to Lake Norman area 8 years ago. Leslie has been in the chiropractic field for a total of 6 years. At a previous chiropractic office Leslie worked at, a 24 year old woman in a wheel chair came to them as a last resort. After nine adjustments, she was walking like she was never in a chair. This was Leslie's ah-ha moment and she has been dedicated to chiropractic care since. Her heart is with helping people become who God wants them to be. She is a gracious mom of two and a grandma. Leslie enjoys hiking, camping, swimming, reading, and cooking healthy recipes.


Kayla O'Dell

Chiropractic Assistant

 Kayla grew up in Ghana, West Africa. She loves food so much she went to culinary school and became a classically trained Chef. Kayla is married with two amazing kids. After having her daughter, chiropractic care made life something she could enjoy again, so she was determined to know more! Kayla's favorite thing to do for her health is walking my local trails. She loves live music! Kayla and her family have a five year old fur baby Maltese, Jadzia Dax, although she claims her more as a trash panda than a dog some days. 


Brianna Fox

Lead Chiropractic Assistant

 Brianna grew up in North Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. She began her undergraduate degree at Clemson University, where she met her boyfriend, Stacy, of 6 years. After moving to Charlotte, she transferred to The University of Alabama online. Once experiencing her own success with chiropractic care, she knew she wanted to be a part of this field helping people live life to their fullest. Brianna is a Certified Chiropractic Assistant and loves how chiropractic looks at the body as a whole. She is dedicated to always learning more and is fascinated by how God created the human body. She loves a good podcast, spending quality time with Stacy on the lake, walking their dog, Raptor, cooking healthy recipes, and learning about more about the digital marketing world. 


Blythe Norris

Tech Chiropractic Assistant

 Blythe is native to the Charlotte area and has three beautiful children. She attended Mitchell Community College to study nursing. She has background in the service industry as well. Blythe has a major interest in fitness which encouraged her to acquire her Personal Training Certification through NASM. She also has an interest in Nutrition and is currently working towards her Nutrition Coaching Certification through NASM. Blythe is a Certified Chiropractic Assistant and is passionate about the benefits of chiropractic. She loves to learn and master skills. Blythe's goal is to create a unique, warm, and professional experience for all patients. In her free time, she enjoys roller skating, hiking, kayaking, fishing, snuggling with her kids watching movies, and having impromptu kitchen dance sessions with her family.


We look forward to hearing from you


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Office Hours

Our Regular Schedule

Primary Office


8:00 am-12:00 pm

3:30 pm-7:00 pm




8:00 am-12:00 pm

3:00 pm-6:00 pm


2:00 pm-6:00 pm


8:00 am-12:00 pm


9:00 am-11:00 am

